Bienvenidos a Nueva Vida

Nuestro propósito es ser una familia de amor que coopere con Dios para hacer que los seguidores de Cristo sean devotos permanentemente. Watch our welcome video to learn about our church and connect with us today.

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¿Es tu primera vez aquí?

Sabemos que visitar un lugar por primera vez puede ser intimidante. Pero en Nueva Vida, ¡nuestro deseo es que te sientas como en casa desde el momento en que entras al estacionamiento! Como nuestro invitado, eres muy importante para nosotros, por lo que estaremos contigo en cada paso del camino!


¿Y mis hijos?

Nuestra escuela dominical está disponible para niños (desde nacimiento hasta el sexto grado) en cada servicio. El crecimiento espiritual de cada niño es nuestra máxima prioridad y nuestra pasión es crear lecciones divertidas, guiadas por la Biblia e interactivas, especialmente diseñadas para ellos.

¿Qué ropa debo usar?

¡En la Iglesia Comunidad Nueva Vida, no hay código de vestimenta! Algunas personas se visten con trajes o vestidos, y otras usan camisetas y pantalones vaqueros. ¡Queremos que uses lo que te haga sentir cómodo!

Conoce a nuestro equipo

Pastor John and Christine Palmieri

Pastor John Palmieri made a decision to follow Christ at the young age of seventeen and immediately knew that God was calling him to be on mission in pastoral ministry. He studied and graduated from the Moody Bible Institute ('85) and in 2006 he completed his Master's Degree in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at the Moody Theological Seminary. In the spring, 2012, he graduated from Bakke Graduate University with a DMIN (Doctor of Ministry) in Transformational Leadership for the Global City. Pastor John has over 25 years experience working in both the blue collar and corporate marketplace. Over the last twenty-five years Pastor John has served in various ministry leadership positions, including the pastorate, missions, church planting, live-in discipleship & job training, youth ministry and counseling. Frequently, Pastor John speaks at various church retreats and ministry conferences. He and his wife Christine have three children, Caleb, Hannah and Abbey, and together they are committed to fulfilling God's Purposes in their generation.

Laura Pelinski - Office Manager

Laura is the Office Manager for New Life Community Church Elgin, where she runs the day-to-day operations for the church and is Pastor John Palmieri’s right hand gal. She is an active leader at New Life Elgin in Sunday Service Coordinator, Stage Design Crew, and Soul Care Ministry – mentoring couples with her husband of 40+ years, Mike. She is the “Nana” of 8. Laura’s passion is to serve the Lord in helping make fully devoted, fruitful followers of Christ.