Información y Registro en Línea
21 Days Prayer and fasting
January 5-26
Through our lives, we are constantly shaped by what we prioritize, what captures our attention, and where we place our desire. Beginning the year, we will pause, refocus, and recalibrate our hearts to be formed by worshiping and seeking God.
Check out your location for special times of worship and prayer throughout the month.
Chicagoland United in Prayer
Sunday, February 2 | 5:00-7:00pm
On the first Sunday in February, Chicagoland is uniting in prayer in the powerful name of Jesus. We invite you to cry out to God with us and commit yourself to prayer and action this upcoming year, seeking shalom for the city of Chicago, as we love God and love our neighbors.
Saturday, March 1 | 8:30am - 8:45pm
5101 S Keeler Ave, Chicago, IL 60632
Hey! Join us for EQUIP on March 1st at New Life Midway! Equip is a full day of worship, fun workshops, and teaching to help you grow in your faith and live out the gospel. $50 per student covers the whole day of food and activities. Check with your leader for scholarships if you need one. Hope to see you there!
Registration opens January 1 and the deadline to register is Sunday, February 23. Late registration will be accepted if space allows.