Una guía para la oración y el ayuno
Nueva Vida comienza cada año con un tiempo de ayuno y oración. El propósito de esto es desviar nuestro enfoque de nuestras preocupaciones terrenales y escuchar lo que Dios tiene para nosotros como iglesia y como individuos en el nuevo año.
El ayuno es bíblico. Prayer and fasting is practiced regularly through the Bible. We see God’s people in both the Old Testament and New Testament pray and fast in order to seek God’s face and what He is calling them to. Read more about this in Nehemiah 9, Esther 4, and Matthew 4.
Se espera ayuno. Jesus, when asked why his disciples didn’t fast, said that “the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.” (Matt. 9:15) Notice that Jesus doesn’t say his followers podría Rápido pero ellos ayunará. ¡Él nos guía como sus seguidores a hacer lo mismo!
We have several ways to practice God’s command for us to fast. Pray about which one He is challenging you to do.
- Agua solo — while on this fast, you refrain from eating any food and drink only water (no other liquids).
- Ayuno de Jugo — while on this fast, you drink juice made from fresh fruits and vegetables rather than eating solid foods.
- Ayuno de Daniel — based on Daniel’s desire to fast seen in the Bible, this fast consists of consuming mainly fruits, vegetables, and water.Asegúrese de consultar con su médico antes de comenzar uno de estos ayunos.
- Ayuno de Redes Sociales—with our growing dependency on media, we often do not allow for a time of disconnection or silence. Choose one of the following items to fast from:TV, News, Movies, Music, Radio, Social Media, Video Games.
Fasting is empty without the main component of prayer. When we pray during a fast, we set aside our physical concerns and diligently seek the heart of God through life-changing prayer. Replace your regular mealtimes with times of prayer and meditating on God’s Word.
¿Por Qué Ayunamos?
On top of being a great practice to purify our bodies, in Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus referred to Fasting as a normal expectation for each of his disciples. In Galatians 5:16 the Apostle Paul challenges believers to be led by God’s spirit instead of being guided by the natural desires of our body.
¿Qué es un ayuno?
According to the dictionary, the word “fast” means “to suffer hunger” or “abstain from food or drink”. There are hundreds of Bible verses that talk about fasting. Meditate on these: 1 Corinthians 9:27, Esther 4:16, Jonah 3:5-9. The purpose of fasting is to create a space of time for developing spiritual intensity for pursuing closeness with God. For this reason, fasting without prayer is not a biblical activity.
It is important to mention that a true fast always involves abstaining from food. That is why someone who chooses to abstain from Facebook, shopping or “giving up chocolate” is not necessarily fasting. Fasting is not a means to manipulate God. Some people mistakenly think that if they fast then God owes them a favor. We do not fast to force the hand of God to do our will but to draw closer to him and to be more available to hear his voice.
¿Cuál debería ser el objetivo principal de mi ayuno?
The main goal for fasting should be to get closer to God. In Amos 5:4 God challenges his people to “seek me and you will live.” It is good to fast for urgent prayer requests but it’s essential to set our hearts on seeking God first, above all other pursuits of our heart.
¿Qué tipos de ayuno hacemos en Nueva Vida?
Aunque la Biblia menciona todo tipo de ayunos, en Nueva Vida animamos a nuestros miembros a hacer un ayuno de líquidos. Para este tipo de ayuno renunciamos a todo tipo de alimentos sólidos e ingerimos únicamente líquidos como jugos, caldo y agua. También eliminamos cualquier tipo de actividad adicional que no sea esencial para nuestras responsabilidades diarias, como tomar café, ir de compras, Facebook y otras formas de entretenimiento.
¿Cómo me preparo para mi ayuno?
Disminuye tu ingesta de alimentos progresivamente deshazte de los no esenciales como cafeína, refrescos, azúcares, snacks, etc.
Vaya a comprar frutas, verduras, jugos y agua antes de su ayuno. De esa forma evitarás distracciones en las tiendas durante tu ayuno.
Libera tu calendario para hacer espacio para momentos intencionales con Dios con anticipación.
Por último, fíjate algunos objetivos claros de ayuno. ¿Cuántos días ayunarás? ¿Qué alimentos? ¿Dónde orarás? ¿Cuándo orarás?
¿Qué pasa si tengo dolencias físicas que me impiden ayunar?
If you have a medical condition that keeps you from fasting, consult with your physician first. Having said this, you must also understand that fasting will force you to decide between normal things in your life, which are not essential, and the choice of seeking for God sacrificially. Anyone can leave caffeine, gossip radio, talk shows, computer games and junk foods without a doctor’s permission.
¿Qué pasa si mi trabajo es físicamente exigente?
Thousands of Christians throughout history and across the world living under extreme pressures find times for fasting. Remember that God invites you to draw near Him (James 4:8). You should evaluate the demands of your job and seek to give your best regardless of whether you are fasting or not. Since all we do is a reflection of God’s work in us, our job performance is an essential part of our personal witness. For that reason we ask that you not mindlessly put your life in danger without clear conviction from God. You may, for example, have one meal and fast the rest of the day.
¿Qué debo hacer durante mi ayuno?
Establecer una rutina de oración diaria con mucho tiempo para buscar y escuchar a Dios es absolutamente esencial durante el ayuno. Quizás quieras seguir un libro. Lleve un diario de ayuno. También recomendamos reservar momentos para unirse con otras personas que ayunan para adorar, orar y animarse.
¿Qué batallas puedo esperar durante mi ayuno?
Al comenzar a ayunar, es posible que experimente una variedad de síntomas que incluyen dolores de cabeza intensos y fatiga extrema.
cloudy thinking, diarrhea, the chills, and more. Keep in mind that during the first days of your fast your body will experience weird and out of the ordinary symptoms. If these symptoms persist and become an obstacle for your daily responsibilities first, contact your physician and then seek guidance from a person with experience in fasting. The first three days are typically the time when your body is being flushed and drained from all the impurities and excesses of our regular “unhealthy” practices.
¿Qué pasa si fracaso?
Temptations are always tough and during a fast the smallest thing might become a huge battle. You couldn’t ever imagine how hard it would be to say no to a French fry. Every person who has made a serious commitment to fast can tell stories about how a long-lost friend shows up to treat you to a luxury steak dinner at the exact moment when you have just begun fasting. Yes, fasting can be grueling! But think of this: God is not a slave master; he is your loving heavenly father. Choose to seek him not out of duty but out of love.
So, If you stumble in your fast… get up, dust off and press on. Share your daily struggles with God and seek out a good brother or sister who is also fasting to walk alongside you. The victory of a heart near God is sweeter than any banquet this world could ever offer you.
¿Cómo puedo estar seguro de que los efectos de mi ayuno se vuelven permanentes?
- Respond in worship to all the blessings you have received. You may want to voice the testimony of your fast in your small group, at our Sunday celebration, or on Facebook. Proclaim God’s goodness!
- Haga una lista de esas bendiciones en un cuaderno o diario.
- Persevera en la rutina de oración que has comenzado. Considere ayunar una vez al mes, una vez a la semana o como el Señor le indique.
- Finalmente, examina tu vida, busca consejo y pregúntale al Señor si algunos de los alimentos o actividades de los que te has deshecho durante tu ayuno deberían eliminarse de tu vida de forma permanente.
Recursos adicionales
- Descargue nuestra aplicación New Life Chicago app to follow along and access additional resources!
- 7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer | Dr. Bill Bright
- Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer | Dr. Bill Bright