In downtown Chicago, there is a balcony entirely made of glass you can step onto and feel like you are floating 1,300 feet up in the air.
It is attached to the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere and sticks out 4.3 feet from the ledge. When it was first being built, many were speculative of how anyone in their right mind would pay money to walk on to something seemingly so fragile? Now it is one of the top tourist attractions in the city.
__________ To make or set right. To alter or adjust a wrong way.
__________ To strongly disapprove or seek to turn someone away from something.
__________ To cause someone to know and understand a subject.
__________ To form by instruction, discipline, or drill.
Read Hebrews 3:12-13. According to verse 13, how can we help prevent someone from developing an unbelieving heart (weak faith) so that they do not turn away from God?
So build yourself up in your most holy faith. Remember, faith is the source of our growth.
Complete your Daily Bread calendar in the front inside cover of this book. Record the scriptures that speak to you each day.
Practice your Memory Verse for this week. Memorize it to hide God’s Word in your heart.
Review your Prayer List in the back inside cover of this book. Ask God who you can pray for and share with this week.