"My wife Dee and I have been helping people become followers of Jesus and grow spiritually for over 30 years. We have had hundreds of conversations at kitchen tables and in restaurants late at night with people searching for God. These lessons were not written from a Seminary desk or research library at a University. I wrote these lessons while studying the Bible with regular people in Chicago who were trying to get started in their journey as a follower of Jesus. I have enjoyed walking people through these lessons with tears, laughter, struggles, friendship and much prayer. Literally thousands of people have gone through these studies in the US as well as other parts of the world.
The three lessons covered in this book are essential for everyone serious about the call to follow Christ: Faith, Repentance and Baptism. This book will lead you to find answers directly from Scripture, so you will need a Bible. My goal is to help you understand and take the First Steps in your walk with God.
I’m convinced that you will have to count the cost, surrender yourself to God and overcome obstacles in order to apply what you learn. I pray that you will join thousands of others who have wrestled through these lessons and chose the narrow way of following Christ. May God give you the perseverance to follow through and hopefully soon you also will be able to help someone else begin his or her journey as a Christ follower." - Mark Jobe, Senior Pastor