Worship – Pastor Eric
Friday: Worship 101 – Worship is a way we express our thanks to God for his goodness. It is also what we should do when things are hard. Simply put, worship is our response to God. In this workshop, learn the reasons why we worship, how we worship, and a beginner’s guide to leading worship.
Saturday: Songwriting – Do you have a song in your heart, but don’t quite know how to get it out? Learn the practical skills of songwriting to help you begin to express the creativity God uniquely gave you.
Tech 101 - Kent
Friday: Sound 101 – Learn the basics of live sound mixing and get hands-on experience with using the soundboard.
Saturday: ProPresenter 101 – Learn the basics of adding song lyrics, motion backgrounds, and slides in ProPresenter.
Connecting with God Through Art - Victory (Friday and Saturday)
God is an artist who creates beautiful things, and so are you! In this workshop, we’ll explore how you can incorporate art into your worship, quiet time, and reading of God’s Word.
DoxaSoma - Miriam (Friday and Saturday)
DoxaSoma is the embracing of the sacred, integrating movement and prayer, breathing, and God's word. This practice employs static stretching to increase strength and flexibility, fluid movement to improve mobility and meditation on the Word of God to release tension and revive the Spirit. We are worshipping the Lord with our bodies.
This is also another way to incorporate prayer and meditating on God's word through the movement of our bodies and breathing.
Apologetics - Oscar (Friday and Saturday)
In the Apologetics Workshop, we'll dive into the compelling evidence for the Bible and Gospel. Discover how God has preserved the message of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. It's going to be an eye-opening and exhilarating experience!
DIY Custom Tote Workshop - Alex (Friday and Saturday)
Design a one-of-a-kind tote bag! This workshop is where your faith and creativity come together. You’ll be able to use a variety of beautiful stencils or let your creative juices flow with a freehand design. Bring your creative ideas to life and design a unique tote bag that has a personalized touch. It’s a fun way to express yourself and a great conversation starter wherever you go.
Photography Workshop – Esteban (Only Friday)
Learn the basics of photography. In this workshop, we will teach students what makes a good photo. Covering the rules of thirds, lighting to learning how to edit photos. You'll learn how to transform your photos into pieces of art.
Thursday Night
- What is something that stood out to you from the message or the passage?
- What kinds of detours have you experienced in your life?
- Have you ever felt pushed away or taken advantage of by people who should have cared for you?
- Can you think of any ways that you have rejected God through your actions?
- Is it difficult to believe God chooses you? Why or why not?
- How does it feel to know that no matter what you do, you will never be pushed away by him if you trust Jesus? (Romans 8:38-39…nothing can separate us)
- We sang about making room for Jesus to do what he wants to do in our hearts and lives. What do you think it looks like for you to make room this weekend?
Friday Morning
Reply with QA small group questions
- Leaders can free flow
- Did any of the questions or answers from the session resonate with you?
- Do you have any other questions of your own that you would have liked to hear an answer for?
- Is there a question you’ve wrestled with in the past that has been resolved for you?
Friday Night
- What is something that stood out to you from the message or the passage?
- Have you ever been in a situation where you had to make a difficult decision like Joseph? What was it? Why was it difficult?
- How hard is it to do what is right especially when it feels like everything wrong has been done against you? What makes it so difficult?
- What has helped you to resist temptation to do what is wrong or unhealthy for you?
- What are some situations in your life that you are faced with regular temptation? What would it look like for you to stand strong or flee temptation like Joseph did?
- Is there a difficult decision you think you need to make but have been avoiding? What does it look like for you to make the right decision today?
- Have you ever known anyone that always seemed to do the right thing even when it was hard? What can you learn from them?
- Jesus made difficult decisions time and time again. What is most impactful about this truth? And how can this change the way you view difficult decisions?
Saturday Morning (Extended Prayer and Reflection)
Reflection time small groups
- Leaders can free flow
- What has been something that has stuck out to you from camp? (it can be anything) And why did it stick out to you?
Saturday Night
- What is something that stood out to you from the message or the passage?
- Have you ever felt the pain of a broken promise? Have you ever felt forgotten, left behind, or deserted?
- Has there been a time in your life that you have felt most close to God? How did God reveal himself to you in those moments of loneliness?
- Ramon said “God makes sense of situations, not our situations make sense of God.” Do you agree? Why or not?
- How can we hope in God even in the low times when we feel we’ve been abandoned?
- Does it bring you comfort to know that even Jesus felt the pain of feeling deserted? (Peter, his disciples who deserted him, even God the Father while he was on the cross)
- Now that you’ve heard the Gospel (Good News), what does it mean to you?
Items To Bring
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Body Wash
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Shower Caddy
- Extra Underwear
- Prescription Meds
- Sleeping Bag/ Sheets/ Blankets
- Pillow
- Towels (Bath and Beach/Pool)
- Washcloth
- Water Bottle
- Phone Charger
- Bug spray
- Pen/Pencils
- Bible
- Journal
- Cash for vending, camp store, merch
- Comfortable clothes
- Swimsuit
- Rain jacket, umbrella, or poncho
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Lake Williamson? 17280 Lakeside Drive Carlinville, IL 62626
When is camp? June 27-30
What about transportation? Transportation is not included and will be coordinated at your location. Please check with your location leader for transportation details to and from camp.
Where will students sleep? Dorm style rooms
Will there be adult supervision at all times? Yes. Students will be supervised by volunteer leaders throughout the weekend.
What if my student has dietary restrictions? Lake Williamson serves a variety of foods at each meal and is experienced working with students to meet allergy and dietary restrictions. Please make sure to state that on the registration.
What if my student needs medications while at camp? Our on site nurse is available to assist students with medication. Please include any medications or medical conditions on your registration.
What will my student do at camp? Please see our schedule for activities and details.
Will there be medics onsite? We will have nurses onsite.
What if my student has special needs? Our hope is that all students have a true sense of belonging within our ONEYTH community and are able to attend camp. In order to best ensure the safety and fun of all our camp participants, we are asking parents to find a buddy for their student. A buddy is someone who will provide necessary assistance, in order for your student to attend camp. Our heart is for your student, with a desire that they have a safe, fun, and enhanced experience over the weekend.
How do I get merch for my student? We will have merch available at the camp. Please send your student with money to be able to purchase there. Some items will be available for pre-order online.
What should my student pack for camp? Please see list of what to bring.
Who do I contact if there’s an emergency at home? Before the camp, ensure that you have your child’s location leader contact information to be able to connect if needed.
I’m interested in donating to help other students attend camp, is there a way for me to do so? Yes! https://newlifecommunity.church/give/ Choose your location, click Give one time, and select Youth Retreat Scholarships.