Getting Started


New Life Community Church begins each year with a time of fasting and praying. The purpose of this is to take our focus off of our earthly concerns and listen to what God has for us as both a church and as individuals in the new year.

Fasting is Biblical. Prayer and fasting is practiced regularly through the Bible. We see God’s people in both the Old Testament and New Testament pray and fast in order to seek God’s face and what He is calling them to. Read more about this in Nehemiah 9, Esther 4, and Matthew 4.

Fasting is expected. Jesus, when asked why his disciples didn’t fast, said that “the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.” (Matt. 9:15) Notice that Jesus doesn’t say his followers might fast but they will fast. He leads us as His followers to do the same!