Growth Path Steps (GPS)

Navigating life can be difficult. Finding your way at New Life is simple! Our purpose is to be a family of love, that cooperates with God in making fully devoted fruitful followers of Christ. The Growth Path Steps is a guide to help you discover and take your next step in this journey. Read through the steps below, check some of the boxes, and share your next step with your group.


Every journey has a starting point. In this step of your growth you are boldly stating that Jesus is the Lord of your life, and you are being obedient to Jesus’ command to be baptized. In your baptism you are symbolically putting to death your old life, so that you can fully live out the new life you’ve been given in Jesus. My NEXT STEP is to...

  • Read through the Gospel of John in the Bible.
  • Attend a worship service every Sunday.
  • Talk through my understanding of Jesus with someone from church.
  • Make the decision to turn from my old ways and completely surrender my life to Jesus.
  • Begin working through the BEGIN First Steps book with a mentor and sign up for the next baptism.


We were made to be in community. The church is perfectly designed to allow the most diverse collection of people to learn and grow from each other’s mistakes and victories. Now that you have been given a new life, it’s time to connect with others who are living their lives in the same direction as you! My NEXT STEP is to...

  • Make a first time visit to a group this week.
  • Commit to attend a group every week this season.
  • Invite someone with me to group.
  • Assist my group leader with the group.
  • Attend a Discover New Life class and become a member.


We are never done growing in Christ. As disciples, or students of Jesus, we need to be constantly looking for opportunities to grow deeper in our relationship with Him. In this step you are developing the habits of a healthy disciple and practices that draw you closer to God. My NEXT STEP is to...

  • Work through the GROW First Steps book with a mentor.
  • Attend a men’s or women’s retreat this Spring.
  • Pick up and complete a Scripture Reading Plan.
  • Spend 10 minutes everyday reading my Bible and praying.
  • Attend a training or growth class offered at New Life.


You have gifts, talents, and abilities! God created you that way so that you could engage this world as a representative of Jesus. The Spirit of God is working through you from the inside-out to see your new life used for a purpose. At this step you are using your talents to reach out and impact the lives of others in your local church, family, and community. My NEXT STEP is to...

  • Find an opportunity to serve in a ministry at my church.
  • Engage my family, friends, neighborhood, and workplace with God’s mission.
  • Invite someone to New Life this Sunday.
  • Start a conversation with a friend and share my faith story with them.
  • Commit to sharing my faith once a week.


Discipleship is not the finish line. We are called to make disciples who make disciples. In this step you will be taking on a lifestyle of investing in people around you who are just beginning their journey of being fully devoted followers of Jesus. Get ready to enter the baptism waters again, but this time with a new disciple that you are taking under your wing. My NEXT STEP is to...

  • Work through the DISCIPLE First Steps book with a mentor for the next six weeks.
  • Sign up to become a mentor.
  • Contact someone and ask them if I can mentor them toward baptism.
  • Attend a group leaders training and start a new group.
  • Sign up to go on a mission trip being offered at New Life.