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ALL HANDS ON DECK - Philippians

Current Message Series August 11, 18, 25, September 1, 8

All Hands on Deck is a call for each person at New Life to come together and be a part of the work that God is doing in our city, communities, and churches. We must be ready in prayer, in serving, evangelism and generosity, and join together to prepare for a great harvest that is coming soon. So let’s get ready, roll up our sleeves, and unite our hands for this season.

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Next Message Series September 15, 22, 29, October 6,13, 20,27, November 3

As we make our way through Acts we see that the Gospel moves through the church by taking the Jesus Way out of the synagogue and into a move of the people. It’s a movement that goes past the previous fences of guarded religion and into a Holy Spirit movement through the outcasts, the nations, and the local neighborhood.

Psalm 23, Everything We Need

Saturday, September 14th, 2024
8:30am to 3:00pm
116 Barrypoint Rd, Riverside, IL 60546

Join us for New Life Riverside's Fall Women's Conference on September 14th as we dive into Psalm 23 together. Hear from dynamite speakers, engage in an interactive workshop, and learn from an amazing panel. Most importantly, you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of how God cares for you. For He is the Good Shepherd, and He is everything you need!


Conferencia Mujerees Fuertes

Viernes 20 De Septiembre

5101 S Keeler Ave, Chicago IL, 60632

!Acompáñanos a la conferencia de mujeres!
"Mujeres Fuertes"
Una conferencia que transformara tu vida.
Fecha: Viernes 20 De Septiembre
Lugar: Nueva Vida Midway 5101 s. Keeler Ave
Hora: 6:00 PM
Costo: $30 por persona

ABIDE - Young Adult's Retreat

October 11-12th
W2655 W South St, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Calling all New Life young adults! Join us for a weekend to get away from the City as we dive into our theme "ABIDE". We want to disconnect together to learn and lean more into Jesus during this restful weekend. The retreat will cost $140 for rooms, food, and all activities. We pray that you join us for this rejuvenating weekend as we center ourselves around Jesus.

* For ages 18-35
Children are not permitted to attend.

Men's Encounter Retreat

November 1-2

5101 S Keeler Ave, Chicago IL, 60632

Our Men's Encounter Retreat is a life changing experience where you'll encounter God through powerful times of worship, teaching, and real conversations. Each session will help you identify strongholds in your life, cycles to break, and bold steps you need to take to move forward in your spiritual journey. Cost is $65 which includes the retreat, materials, and food on Friday and Saturday. Lodging is not included, but we have provided hotel options below. Tap the buttons to see the detailed schedule and directions.

Men's Encounter Retreat
November 1&2
5101 S Keeler Ave, Chicago, IL 60632
Get Directions


5:00pm - Doors Open
6:30pm - Leaders Meeting (Room 132)
7:00pm - Worship (Auditorium)
7:45pm - Session 1: Restoring Freedom
8:30pm - Group Time
9:30pm - Dismiss – Open Gym, Pizza and Tacos


8:00am - Coffee and Breakfast Snacks (Lobby)
8:45am - Worship (Auditorium)
9:15am - Session 2: Breaking Cycles
10:00am - Group Time
11:00am - Session 3: Unlocking Forgiveness
12:00pm - Lunch
1:15pm - Worship (Auditorium)
1:30pm - Session 4: Regaining Your Influence
2:15pm - Group Time (Bold Steps)
2:45pm - Final Session: Keeping Your Freedom

4:00pm Dismiss