We all have questions. Does life have a purpose? Is the Bible reliable? Why does God allow pain and suffering? Join us for a 7 week series January 27 to March 10 as we explore life’s biggest questions. We will also have small groups that you can join to discuss the series each week. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend to join you! Learn more at ExploreGod.com and come explore with us!


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Session 1: Does Life Have a Purpose?

Does life have a purpose? Why are we here? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about the purpose of life.

Session 2: Is There a God?

Almost everyone seems to have an opinion on whether or not God exists. What do you think? Is there a God? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about God’s existence.

Session 3: Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?

The question “Why is there pain and suffering?” is one of the most common and most difficult questions people face in this life. We asked people around the world this question and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about pain and suffering.

Session 4: Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Christianity is often criticized for being exclusive in an increasingly inclusive world. Do you think Christianity is too narrow? We asked people around the world this question and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about Christianity.

Session 5: Is Jesus Really God?

If Jesus is God, the implications are enormous. If he’s not, then Christianity is founded on a lie. What do you think? We asked people around the world this question and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about Jesus.

Session 6: Is the Bible Reliable?

For many, the Bible is the main source of what we know about God. But is it even reliable? Can you trust what it says? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about the Bible.

Session 7: Can I Know God Personally?

As humans, we crave relationships and intimacy. Is it possible to have a relationship with God? Can we know God personally? We asked people around the world these questions and captured their perspectives on film. Watch what others have to say about knowing God.