Group Prayer Tips

Over the years we’ve found that group prayer goes better when we follow three simple guidelines. Group prayer goes best when…

1. We pray for one topic at a time.

Anyone in the group is free to introduce a prayer request either before prayer begins or during the prayer time. Once a topic is introduced, the group focuses on that request alone. Once it’s covered, the group moves on to the next topic.

2. Each person prays more than once.

Because the group is focusing on one topic at a time, each person is encouraged to pray several times during the prayer time for those topics they feel most led to pray about.

3. We keep our prayers short and simple.

Group prayer goes better when members keep their prayers short and to the point. When someone prays for a long time, it’s hard for the other members to stay focused and long prayers tend to intimidate those who are just learning to pray out loud in a group.